view raw

This is an example of a dbdiagram. Enter a Bubble app url to create your own.

Table custom.stfpp {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Expiration date" date
	"Token" text

Table custom.partnership_page {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"About - Header" text
	"About - Description" text
	"Auto-scroll" boolean
	"Description" text
	"Active?" boolean
	"Name" text
	"Partner Logo (Dark)" image
	"Partner Logo (Light)" image
	"Perk Program" perk_program [ref: - custom.perk_program._id]
	"Testimonial Image" image
	"Testimonial Label" text
	"Testimonial Quote" text
	"Video - Active?" boolean
	"Video ID" text

Table custom.fu {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"a" text
	"d" text
	"dbs" text
	"oa" text
	"owner" user
	"r" text
	"td" date

Table custom.template_commission_payout {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Amount" number
	"Contributor Receipt" contributor_payout [ref: - custom.contributor_payout._id]
	"Items" template_commission_item [ref: < custom.template_commission_item._id]
	"Month" text
	"Payment ID" text
	"Seller" user
	"Transfer ID" text

Table custom.pre_bootcamp_survey {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"app_idea" text
	"bootcamp" bootcamp [ref: - custom.bootcamp._id]
	"bootcamp type NEW" course1 [ref: - custom.course1._id]
	"bootcamp type OLD" option.bootcamp_type
	"discovery_channel" option.discovery_method
	"experience_level" number
	"experience_response" text
	"bootcamp_hopes" text
	"instructor" user
	"other_channel" text

Table custom.immerse_application {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Alumni community question" text
	"Any collabs question" text
	"cohort" text
	"zcompany-name" text
	"date-of-birth" date
	"first-name" text
	"zfull-name" text
	"zFull URL" text
	"Has computer? " boolean
	"How long question" text
	"Ideal user question" text
	"immerse-email" text
	"Immerse leads question" text
	"last-name" text
	"linkedin-url" text
	"Location" geographic_address
	"zpop-up-description" text
	"zpop-up-pic" image
	"Problem question" text
	"Idea question" text
	"zStage question" text
	"zWorkshop question" text
	"Other question" text
	"Research question" text
	"status" option.immerse_app_status_choices
	"zweb-page-pic" image
	"Wireframe question" file

Table custom.community_group {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Community Group Type" community_group_type [ref: - custom.community_group_type._id]
	"Link" text
	"Name" text
	"Order" number

Table custom.special_thing {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"forbidden_image_strings" text
	"bad_final_domains" text
	"suspicious_link_strings" text
	"temp_email_domains" text
	"bad_email_strings" text
	"bad_ips" text
	"suspicious_field_strings" text
	"forbidden_appname_strings" text
	"restricted_terms_trusted_appnames" text
	"content_html_uploads_trusted_appnames" text

Table custom.can_i_build_feature {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Description" text
	"Icon" text
	"Name" text
	"Set" text

Table custom.community_advisor {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Image" image
	"Link" text
	"Name" text
	"Order" number
	"Title" text

Table custom.review_response {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Content" text
	"Plugin rating" plugin_rating [ref: - custom.plugin_rating._id]
	"Template rating" template_rating [ref: - custom.template_rating._id]

Table custom.privacy_policy_update {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Message" text

Table custom.bootcamp_post_survey_response {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"instructor" user
	"futureplans_buildownproject" boolean
	"content_lesstime" text
	"futureplans_agencydev" boolean
	"futureplans_buildownbusiness" boolean
	"futureplans_alumniresources" text
	"bootcamp_overallsatisfaction" number
	"resources_greaternone" boolean
	"instructor_overallsatisfaction" number
	"resources_greaterotherdetail" text
	"futureplans_profdev" boolean
	"resources_greatersupportteam" boolean
	"futureplans_rfp" text
	"content_livedemos" number
	"futureplans_afternone" boolean
	"content_lectures" number
	"resources_utilizenone" boolean
	"content_interactive" number
	"instructor_comment" text
	"instructor_skillsatisfaction" number
	"content_overallsatisfaction" number
	"bootcamp_type OLD" option.bootcamp_type
	"bootcamp" bootcamp [ref: - custom.bootcamp._id]
	"futureplans_integrateorg" boolean
	"resources_greaterofficehours" boolean
	"resources_greaterclassmaterials" boolean
	"resources_greater1on1" boolean
	"content_moretime" text
	"resources_utilize1on1" boolean
	"bootcamp type NEW" course1 [ref: - custom.course1._id]
	"content_peers" number
	"bootcamp_expectationsalign" text
	"resources_detail" text
	"bootcamp_nps" number
	"bootcamp_expectationsaccomp" text
	"futureplans_mvp" text
	"resources_utilizeclassmaterials" boolean
	"instructor_availabilitysatisfaction" number
	"content_handson" number
	"resources_utilizeotherdetail" text
	"futureplans_freelancer" boolean
	"futureplans_fulltimedev" boolean
	"resources_utilizeother" boolean
	"futureplans_careergoals" text
	"resources_greaterother" boolean
	"futureplans_projectsource" text
	"resources_utilizesupportteam" boolean
	"instructor_explanationsatisfaction" number
	"futureplans_subscribe" boolean
	"resources_utilizeofficehours" boolean
	"futureplans_pathnone" boolean

Table custom.catabs {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Deprecated?" boolean
	"Description" text
	"Menu Text" text
	"Page" text
	"Preview link" text
	"Slug Text" text
	"Sortable fields" text
	"Sub tabs" text
	"Title" text

Table custom.medium_blog_post {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Post description" text
	"Post img" image
	"Post title" text
	"Post url" text
	"Rank" number

Table custom.template_coupon {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Code" text
	"Deleted" boolean
	"Max redemptions" number
	"Percent" number
	"Redeem by" date
	"Usage" number

Table custom.template {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Pending Link Forum" text
	"Hidden by admin" boolean
	"Owner" user
	"Number of Submits" number
	"Published" boolean
	"Pending Link Documentation" text
	"Description Long" text
	"Link Documentation" text
	"Processed rating bulk workflow?" boolean
	"Sales" number
	"Pending Features" template_features [ref: < custom.template_features._id]
	"Rating average" number
	"Gallery" file
	"Appname" text
	"Owner's Builder Name (lowercase)" text
	"Pending" boolean
	"Rating count" number
	"Description Short" text
	"Deleted" boolean
	"Price" number
	"Price Developer" number
	"Pending Description Short" text
	"Marketplace enabled?" boolean
	"Pending name" text
	"Link Education" text
	"Pending Screenshot" image
	"Date submitted for review" date
	"Pending Link Education" text
	"Pending Category" option.template_category
	"Features" template_features [ref: < custom.template_features._id]
	"Quick Start?" boolean
	"Suggest Paid Plan?" boolean
	"Featured responsive?" boolean
	"copy db" boolean
	"Link Forum" text
	"Pending Gallery" file
	"Name" text
	"Screenshot" image
	"Pending new responsive?" boolean
	"zCategory" text
	"Paid plugins" plugins [ref: < custom.plugins._id]
	"Pending Description Long" text
	"License" text
	"First publication" date
	"Last Install" date
	"Pending Difficulty Level" option.ease_of_use
	"New responsive?" boolean
	"zpending category" text
	"Difficulty Level" option.ease_of_use
	"Category" option.template_category

Table custom.page_visit {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Affiliate" user
	"Allowed viewer" user
	"current page ID" text
	"full url" text
	"page name" text
	"referrer" text
	"referring domain" text
	"user agent" text
	"utm_campaign" text
	"utm_content" text
	"utm_medium" text
	"utm_source" text
	"utm_term" text

Table custom.affiliate_revenue_payout {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Affiliate" user
	"Amount" number
	"Items" affiliate_revenue_item [ref: < custom.affiliate_revenue_item._id]
	"Month" text
	"Payee account" user
	"Payment ID" text
	"Transfer ID" text

Table custom.takedown_category {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Hidden?" boolean
	"Name" text
	"Path" text

Table custom.announcement_banner1 {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Announcement Banner Rule" option.announcement_banner_rule
	"Description (logged in)" text
	"Description (logged out)" text
	"Expiration date" date
	"Hide on dismiss #" number
	"Link text (logged in)" text
	"Link text (logged out)" text
	"Link URL (logged in)" text
	"Link URL (logged out)" text
	"Name" text
	"Pages" text
	"Publish date" date
	"Publish/expire workflow ID" text
	"Published?" boolean

Table {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Active" boolean
	"Attributes" text
	"Full bio" text
	"Bootcamp types authorized" course1 [ref: < custom.course1._id]
	"Default timezone" text
	"Hidden" boolean
	"Image" image
	"LinkedIn" text
	"Linked-user" user
	"Name" text
	"Published" boolean
	"Slack user ID" text
	"Sort Order" number
	"Summary bio" text
	"Twitter" text

Table custom.temp_age_import {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Email" text
	"Name" text
	"Processed?" boolean
	"Tier" number

Table custom.immerse_landing_page {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Application cohort ID" text
	"Applications open?" boolean
	"Demo button" text
	"Demo cohort ID" text
	"Demo description" text
	"Demo RSVP URL" text
	"Demo RSVPs open?" boolean
	"Demo title" text
	"Demo video" file
	"Finalist 1 description" text
	"Finalist 1 title" text
	"Finalist 1 video" file
	"Finalist 2 description" text
	"Finalist 2 video" file
	"Finalist 2 title" text
	"Finalist 3 description" text
	"Finalist 3 title" text
	"Finalist 3 video" file
	"Landing button" text
	"Landing description" text
	"Landing title" text

Table custom.segment_event_count {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"App edited count" number
	"Data actions done count" number
	"Data fields created count" number
	"Data types created count" number
	"Deploys to live count" number
	"Dynamic expressions created count" number
	"Elements created count" number
	"Events created count" number
	"Page added count" number
	"Plugins added count" number
	"Previews count" number
	"Reusable component created count" number
	"RGs with data added count" number
	"Style updates count" number
	"User" user
	"Workflows created count" number

Table custom.file_upload {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"app_version" text
	"appname" text
	"attach_to" text
	"content_type" text
	"date" date
	"deleted_app_id" text
	"filename" text
	"s3_key" text
	"size" number
	"temp_db" text
	"user_id" text

Table custom.template_commission_item {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Bubblestore affiliate" boolean
	"Buyer" user
	"Charge ID" text
	"Developer license" boolean
	"Coupon" template_coupon [ref: - custom.template_coupon._id]
	"Paid" boolean
	"Paid to seller" number
	"Partner" text
	"Refunded" boolean
	"Seller" user
	"Template" template [ref: - custom.template._id]
	"Total amount" number
	"utm_campaign" text
	"utm_content" text
	"utm_medium" text
	"utm_source" text

Table custom.fa {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"appname" text
	"has_app_been_on_trial" boolean
	"category" tdc [ref: - custom.tdc._id]
	"details" text
	"detected_bad_string" text
	"takedown_method" takedown_category [ref: - custom.takedown_category._id]
	"is_taken_down_by_net" boolean
	"other_actions" text
	"owner" user
	"takedown_ reason" tdr [ref: - custom.tdr._id]
	"app_plan_id" text
	"takedown_date" date

Table custom.onboarding_answer {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Archived?" boolean
	"Auto-clear?" boolean
	"Description" text
	"Image" image
	"Onboarding Question" onboarding_question [ref: - custom.onboarding_question._id]
	"Order" number
	"Randomize order?" boolean
	"Short Description" text
	"Text" text

Table custom.sales_contact_submission {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Agency name" text
	"Agency tier" text
	"zArea of interest" text
	"Company name" text
	"Company size" text
	"Country" text
	"Email" text
	"zExperiment group" text
	"First name" text
	"Job title" text
	"Last name" text
	"Message" text
	"Source" text

Table custom.bootcamp {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Instructor Linked User" user
	"Hidden" boolean
	"Published" boolean
	"Compensation type" option.instructor_compensation_type
	"Office hours" date
	"Slack channel ID" text
	"Partner affiliate fee" number
	"Price" number
	"Custom class schedule headline" text
	"Cadence" option.bootcamp_cadence
	"Special promotion copy" text
	"Sessions" bootcamp_session [ref: < custom.bootcamp_session._id]
	"Online" boolean
	"Instructor Profile" coach [ref: -]
	"Custom overview" text
	"Requests Notes" text
	"Sold out" boolean
	"Instructor compensation" number
	"SO Google Drive Link " text
	"First session" date
	"Title" text
	"Custom title" text
	"Type OLD" option.bootcamp_type
	"Special promotion end date" date
	"Private" boolean
	"Early bird is active" boolean
	"Special promotion price" number
	"Status" option.bootcamp_request_status
	"Unhide Date Backend ID" text
	"Cancelled" boolean
	"Send surveys" boolean
	"Unhide Date" date
	"Timezone" text
	"Custom what you'll get" text
	"Seats" number
	"Video" file
	"Second Session (Twice Weekly Only)" date
	"Early bird price" number
	"Perk program" perk_program [ref: - custom.perk_program._id]
	"Language" text
	"Number of sessions" number
	"Special promotion start date" date
	"Alternative video link" text
	"Early bird eligible" boolean
	"Type NEW" course1 [ref: - custom.course1._id]
	"Early bird threshold" number

Table custom.feature_request {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Bubble Reply Date" date
	"Bubble reply" text
	"Launch date" date
	"Long description" text
	"Merged into" feature_request [ref: - custom.feature_request._id]
	"Status" text
	"Submitted by Bot" boolean
	"Summary description" text
	"Upvote count" number
	"Upvoters" user

Table custom.community_group_type {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Logo" image
	"Name" text
	"Order" number

Table custom.app_idea {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"App goal" text
	"Appname" text
	"Category" text
	"External/internal" text
	"Notes" text
	"template" template [ref: - custom.template._id]
	"Urgency" text
	"Who builds" text

Table custom.user {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Billing address (zip)" text
	"Onboarding Status" option.onboarding_status
	"Can see user apps" boolean
	"Initialize SSO?" boolean
	"up" option.up
	"Company name" text
	"zMaison_enabled" boolean
	"zPlugin Builder Description" text
	"Iterable campaignId" number
	"Additional invoice email" text
	"Last watched video" video [ref: -]
	"suspended" boolean
	"used coupon" boolean
	"zImmerse_app" immerse_application [ref: - custom.immerse_application._id]
	"bubble_employee" boolean
	"Last release note" date
	"Unpaid subscription ID" text
	"Coach profile hidden" boolean
	"zSurvey Marketing Idea" text
	"Recovery email" text
	"Paypal email" text
	"Bootcamp instructors of user" user
	"Onboarding tasks" option.onboarding_task
	"Onboarding business backgrounds" onboarding_answer [ref: < custom.onboarding_answer._id]
	"Founder team" boolean
	"Predicted Onboarding Path" option.predicted_onboarding_path
	"Billing address (address 2)" text
	"Total charges" number
	"Billing address (state)" text
	"Organization" organization [ref: - custom.organization._id]
	"affiliate code" text
	"Email verification clicked count" number
	"has to agree to terms" boolean
	"Credit expiration workflow" text
	"Plugin Payouts" plugin_subscription_payout [ref: < custom.plugin_subscription_payout._id]
	"Credit balance" number
	"bubblestore affiliate" boolean
	"zImmerse cohort" text
	"deployed_ever" boolean
	"growth experiment groups (assigned)" text
	"Agency Role" text
	"referrer" text
	"dedicated env" text
	"Prefers list view?" boolean
	"Account Survey gender" text
	"zSurvey Org Size" text
	"zPaying" boolean
	"Coach sessions completed" number
	"zOther account" text
	"Coach availability description" text
	"Onboarding attribution" text
	"Celebrate Badges" celebrate_badge [ref: < custom.celebrate_badge._id]
	"Purchase in progress" text
	"Instructor Profile" coach [ref: -]
	"Business name" text
	"zWatched videos" text
	"Automated Stripe Payout" boolean
	"zPlugin Builder email" text
	"last privacy mention" privacy_policy_update [ref: - custom.privacy_policy_update._id]
	"Contributor payment auto" boolean
	"affiliate temp code" text
	"zUtm_term" text
	"Coach Public ID" text
	"Linkedin link" text
	"skip_sorting_app_list" boolean
	"zSurvey Technical Experience" text
	"notification when sale" boolean
	"Job Title" text
	"zPseudo" text
	"seen editor help center" boolean
	"done_experts_lessons_list_number" number
	"Instructor (controls instructor plan)" boolean
	"zPlugin Builder name" text
	"Coach skills" text
	"zNew responsive diary study" number
	"Bootcamp affiliate payouts" bootcamp_affiliate_commission_payout [ref: < custom.bootcamp_affiliate_commission_payout._id]
	"Coach rate" number
	"First name" text
	"zLast app category" text
	"zSurvey Internal/External" text
	"Template seller blurb for email" text
	"coupon" text
	"Credit expiration date" date
	"Email confirmation token" text
	"notification when unsubscribe plugin" boolean
	"bad guy" boolean
	"zPlugin Builder Image" image
	"Onboarding Answers" onboarding_answer [ref: < custom.onboarding_answer._id]
	"zLast affiliate reset" date
	"attended event" sponsored_event [ref: - custom.sponsored_event._id]
	"Onboarding tech experiences" onboarding_answer [ref: < custom.onboarding_answer._id]
	"utm_medium" text
	"utm_campaign" text
	"Coach sold out" boolean
	"last editor visit" date
	"Payout threshold" number
	"zBusiness phone" text
	"Coaching payouts" template_commission_payout1 [ref: < custom.template_commission_payout1._id]
	"Iterable workflow ID" text
	"seen component library onboarding" boolean
	"Template Payouts" template_commission_payout [ref: < custom.template_commission_payout._id]
	"full url" text
	"Segment Event Count" segment_event_count [ref: - custom.segment_event_count._id]
	"zSurvey Use for" text
	"zSurvey Describe as" text
	"zTracked signup on fb" boolean
	"Onboarding Persona" option.onboarding_persona
	"free features" text
	"Account Survey self description" text
	"mrr" number
	"user agent" text
	"Coaching credits" number
	"Coach bio" text
	"referral credited?" boolean
	"zSurvey Stage" text
	"zlast app goal" text
	"send invoices by email" boolean
	"Responsible CSM" bubble_employee [ref: - custom.bubble_employee._id]
	"Coupon attempt count" number
	"Soft delete workflow ID" text
	"Billing address (city)" text
	"not first sign up" boolean
	"Billing address" text
	"Template being purchased" template [ref: - custom.template._id]
	"Account Survey ethnicity" text
	"Country code" text
	"zPrivate_app_overwrite" number
	"Company URL" text
	"legacy" boolean
	"utm_source" text
	"Affiliate share" number
	"Bootcamps purchased" bootcamp [ref: < custom.bootcamp._id]
	"zPlugin Builder website" text
	"log_triggered_actually_building" date
	"Transfer via paypal?" boolean
	"Coach booking link" text
	"Billing country" text
	"zCancelation reason" text
	"zPricing_group" text
	"Coaches of user" user
	"Educator photo" image
	"login method" text
	"log_triggered_first_app_created" date
	"Bubble Certifications" bubble_certification [ref: < custom.bubble_certification._id]
	"Billing address (address 1)" text
	"growth experiment groups" text
	"took_one_learn" boolean
	"Last name" text
	"Affiliate Payouts" affiliate_revenue_payout [ref: < custom.affiliate_revenue_payout._id]
	"zDefault timezone" text
	"Coach intro video" file
	"zFinish_one_learn" boolean
	"editor_visits_count" number
	"Languages" text
	"Marketplace profile" marketplace_profile [ref: - custom.marketplace_profile._id]
	"referring domain" text
	"Profile photo" image
	"affiliate credit auto" boolean
	"Email verification sent?" boolean
	"Iterable templateId" number
	"zSurvey Industry" text
	"Account Survey last response" date
	"referral program?" boolean
	"Affiliate" user
	"Checkpoints" text
	"Draft Application" draft_application_metadata [ref: - custom.draft_application_metadata._id]
	"Account Survey age" text
	"done_lessons_list" number
	"Perk program" perk_program [ref: - custom.perk_program._id]
	"zSurvey Org type" text
	"Bought templates" template [ref: < custom.template._id]
	"last_failed_card_notif" date
	"Paid user for affiliate" user
	"Location (Coaching)" geographic_address
	"Has conversed with AI chatbot" boolean
	"Billing address encoded" geographic_address
	"zapp goals" text
	"Invoices" invoice [ref: < custom.invoice._id]
	"zSurvey Goals" text
	"Account Survey seen?" boolean
	"log_triggered_first_subscription" date
	"utm_content" text
	"zIs a partner" boolean
	"isDeveloper?" boolean
	"Email confirmed? (manual)" boolean
	"Coach" boolean
	"Pinned Apps" text
	"affiliate sign ups" number
	"reported signed up segment" boolean
	"plan" text
	"zMaison_by_default" boolean

Table custom.template_features {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Description" text
	"Icon" text
	"Template" template [ref: - custom.template._id]
	"Title" text

Table custom.application_message {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"caption" text
	"client side" boolean
	"code" text
	"do not translate" boolean
	"plugin" text

Table custom.stripe_event_notified {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Bulk process date" date
	"Event ID" text
	"Event ID + type" text
	"Event type" text

Table custom.global_variable {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Address (Multiline)" text
	"Address (Single Line)" text
	"BCFile" file
	"Onboarding book a dev probability" number
	"RFP threshold (hourly)" number
	"RFP threshold (fixed)" number

Table custom.tdr {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Name" text

Table custom.capacity_boost {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Appname" text
	"Units" number

Table custom.research_program {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Description" text
	"Image" image
	"Inactive?" boolean
	"Landing page URL" text
	"Name" text
	"Research Program Category" option.research_program_category
	"Video file" file

Table custom.bubble_employee {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Assigned users" number
	"Bio" text
	"Gets users assigned" boolean
	"department" text
	"dismissed" boolean
	"First name" text
	"Founder" boolean
	"HQ Photo" boolean
	"Last name" text
	"Picture" image

Table custom.feature_request_comment {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Deleted?" boolean
	"Feature Request ↩" feature_request [ref: - custom.feature_request._id]
	"Previous Versions" text
	"Text" text

Table custom.bug_report {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"02 - User email" text
	"01 - Source" option.support_forms
	"05 - Impacted application" text
	"11 - Error code" text
	"09 - File(s) upload" file
	"03 - Short description" text
	"10 - Other details" text
	"07 - Impacted version name" text
	"Bot ID" text
	"06 - Impacted version" text
	"08 - Screen recording" text
	"04 - Reproduction steps" text

Table custom.showcase_tag {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Name" text

Table custom.marketplace_rejection {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Content" text
	"Plugin" plugins [ref: - custom.plugins._id]
	"Reasons" text
	"Template" template [ref: - custom.template._id]

Table custom.hackathon_app {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"App ID" text
	"Downgraded?" boolean
	"End time" date
	"Sponsored Event" sponsored_event [ref: - custom.sponsored_event._id]
	"Start time" date

Table custom.invalid_email {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Disposable?" boolean
	"Domain" text
	"Email" text
	"Page" text
	"User Unique ID" text

Table custom.course1 {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Level" text
	"Hidden" boolean
	"Default price" number
	"Published" boolean
	"Curriculum " text
	"Overview" text
	"Large bg image" image
	"Credit amount" number
	"Default instructor compensation" number
	"Student testimonial name" text
	"Default discount price" number
	"Lead text" text
	"Student testimonial image" image
	"Bootcamp type old" option.bootcamp_type
	"Sort order" number
	"What you'll learn" text
	"Default seats" number
	"Student testimonial position" text
	"Default partner affiliate fee" number
	"Icon" image
	"Student testimonial" text
	"Background pattern" image
	"Default first session duration" number
	"Default sessions" number
	"Default regular session duration" number
	"Who you are" text
	"What you'll get/you'll also get" text
	"Name" text
	"Default early bird threshold" number
	"People completed" text
	"Snappy one liner" text
	"Abandoned cart overview" text
	"Default early bird" boolean
	"Default instructor compensation type" option.instructor_compensation_type
	"Abandoned cart banner" image

Table custom.bootcamp_affiliate_commission_payout {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Affiliate" user
	"Amount" number
	"Contributor receipt" contributor_payout [ref: - custom.contributor_payout._id]
	"Items" bootcamp_ticket [ref: < custom.bootcamp_ticket._id]
	"Month" text
	"Payment ID" text
	"Transfer ID" text

Table custom.perk_program {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Bootcamp Discount" number
	"Cap" number
	"Code" text
	"Cohort number" number
	"Contact name" text
	"Contact email" text
	"Credit amount" number
	"Description" text
	"Duration" number
	"Expiration Date" date
	"Expiration email ID" text
	"Location" geographic_address
	"Logo" image
	"Name" text
	"Parent" perk_program_parent [ref: - custom.perk_program_parent._id]
	"Public?" boolean
	"Status" option.perk_program_status
	"Type" option.perk_program_type
	"Usage" number
	"Website" text

Table custom.security_acknowledgement {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Name" text
	"URL" text
	"Year" number

Table custom.celebrate_badge {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Color code" text
	"Description" text
	"Earned text" text
	"Headline" text
	"Icon" text
	"Manual link" text
	"Manual text" text
	"Name" text
	"Type" text
	"Unlock text" text
	"Video link" text
	"Video text" text

Table custom.perk_activation {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Amount expired" number
	"Amount" number
	"End date" date
	"Perk" perk_program [ref: - custom.perk_program._id]
	"Start date" date
	"User" user

Table custom.language {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"allowed users" user
	"caption" text
	"day names" text
	"deprecated" boolean
	"font subset" text
	"iso" text
	"language" text
	"month names" text
	"no" text
	"rtl" boolean
	"yes" text

Table custom.bubble_certification {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"zAttempt Dates" date
	"zCertificate ID" text
	"Certificate URL" text
	"Certificate Expiration Date" date
	"Enrollment ID" text
	"Exam" option.bubble_certification_exams
	"zCourse Enrollment Expiration date" date
	"First last (lowercase)" text
	"First last" text
	"First name" text
	"Last name" text
	"Passed?" boolean
	"Passed date" date
	"Previous Users" user
	"Renewed Certificate" bubble_certification [ref: - custom.bubble_certification._id]
	"zSkilljar User ID" text
	"User" user
	"Workflow ID - 2 week expiration" text
	"Workflow ID - expired" text

Table custom.translator_step {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Child steps" text
	"Complete?" boolean
	"Name" text
	"Order" number
	"↪ Build guide" translator_feature [ref: - custom.translator_feature._id]
	"↪ Build guide idea" translator_idea [ref: - custom.translator_idea._id]
	"Type" text

Table custom.location {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"City Name" text
	"Location Address" geographic_address
	"Name (SEO)" text

Table custom.application_metadata {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"App Color" text
	"App Icon" image
	"Caption" text
	"cancellation_source" text
	"zCRM app description" text
	"FA" boolean
	"Goal" text
	"Has deprecated plugin?" boolean
	"last change " date
	"local copy" text
	"RB" user
	"App ID" text
	"RO" date
	"Screenshot list" image
	"trial_source" text

Table custom.immerse_demo_day_attendee {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Cohort" text
	"email" text

Table custom.template_commission_payout1 {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Amount" number
	"Contributor Receipt" contributor_payout [ref: - custom.contributor_payout._id]
	"Items" coaching_session [ref: < custom.coaching_session._id]
	"Month" text
	"Payment ID" text
	"Coach" user
	"Transfer ID" text

Table custom.allowed_email {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"email" text

Table custom.peri_bootcamp_survey {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"bootcamp" bootcamp [ref: - custom.bootcamp._id]
	"bootcamp type NEW" course1 [ref: - custom.course1._id]
	"bootcamp type OLD" option.bootcamp_type
	"content feedback" text
	"improvements feedback" text
	"instructor feedback" text
	"instructor" user
	"resources_feedback" text
	"recommendation score" number

Table custom.rfp_bid {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Agency Project Count" number
	"Agency Size" number
	"Archive reasons" option.rfp_archive_reasons
	"Archived?" boolean
	"Call booked?" boolean
	"Decline Feedback" text
	"Emails exchanged?" boolean
	"Date Last Changed" date
	"Organization ↩" organization [ref: - custom.organization._id]
	"Booking Link" text
	"Processed?" boolean
	"Recipient Users ↩" user
	"Date Response Sent" date
	"Response" text
	"RFP Bid Status ↩" option.rfp_bid_status
	"RFP Budget (OS)" option.rfp_budget_ranges
	"RFP Budget High Num" number
	"RFP Budget Low Num" number
	"RFP ↩" rfp [ref: - custom.rfp._id]
	"RFP Email" text
	"Archive Reason (other)" text
	"RFP Project Type" option.rfp_project_type
	"RFP Scope Size" option.rfp_scope_size
	"Spam?" boolean

Table custom.press_mention {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Date" date
	"Publication" text
	"Title" text
	"URL" text

Table custom.affiliate_revenue_item {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Affiliate" user
	"Amount" number
	"Buyer" user
	"Charge ID" text
	"Invoice ID" text
	"Paid as immediate credit" boolean
	"Paid" boolean
	"Refunded" boolean

Table custom.translation {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"application message" application_message [ref: - custom.application_message._id]
	"language" language [ref: - custom.language._id]
	"value" text

Table custom.solution_feature {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Description" text
	"Icon" text
	"Image" image
	"Name" text

Table custom.coach_interest {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Background description" text
	"Bubble experience description" text
	"Experience description" text

Table custom._learn_lesson {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"lesson description" text
	"lesson name" text
	"number" number
	"rank" number

Table custom.coaching_session {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Total amount" number
	"App description" text
	"Cancelled by user" boolean
	"Captured" boolean
	"Charge description" text
	"Charge ID" text
	"Coach" user
	"Completed" boolean
	"Completion date" date
	"Expired" boolean
	"Follow up" boolean
	"Free" boolean
	"Help description" text
	"Improvement opportunities" text
	"Most helpful" text
	"Other comments" text
	"Paid to coach?" boolean
	"Amount paid to coach" number
	"Publishable" boolean
	"Refunded" boolean
	"Reviewed" boolean
	"Satisfaction rating" number
	"Solutions tried" text

Table custom.testimonial {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Author's title" text
	"Author" text
	"Image" image
	"Next Testimonial" testimonial [ref: - custom.testimonial._id]
	"Order" number
	"Previous Testimonial" testimonial [ref: - custom.testimonial._id]
	"Quote" text
	"Set" text
	"Total number in set" number
	"zURL" text

Table custom.plugin_subscription_item {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Paid to seller" number
	"Appname" text
	"Buyer" user
	"Charge ID" text
	"Invoice ID" text
	"One time payment" boolean
	"Paid" boolean
	"Plugin" plugins [ref: - custom.plugins._id]
	"Refunded" boolean
	"Seller" user
	"Subscription ID" text
	"Total amount" number

Table custom.bubblecon_speaker {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Image" image
	"Location" text
	"Name" text
	"Order" number
	"Title" text

Table custom.custom_pricing {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Additional storage" number
	"App name" text
	"Base price" number
	"Collaborator count" number
	"Deleted on" date
	"Organization ID" text
	"Stripe subscription ID" text
	"User" user
	"Workload cost per unit" number
	"Workload overages?" boolean
	"Workload units included" number

Table custom.3rd_party_resource {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"3rd Party Resource Language" option.3rd_party_resource_language
	"attributes" text
	"description" text
	"paid" boolean
	"hidden" boolean
	"logo" image
	"link" text
	"linked-instructor" coach [ref: -]
	"summary description" text
	"title" text
	"3rd Party Resource Type" option.3rd_party_resource_type

Table custom.sponsored_event {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Contact email" text
	"Coupon ID" text
	"End" date
	"logo" image
	"Name" text
	"Start" date

Table custom.onboarding_question {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Archived?" boolean
	"Description" text
	"Onboarding Question Type" option.onboarding_question_type
	"Order" number
	"Quote Heading" text
	"Quote Text" text
	"Text" text

Table custom.tdc {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Hidden?" boolean
	"Name" text

Table custom.abuse_report {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Abusing URLs" text
	"Category" text
	"Comments" text
	"Description" text
	"Email Summary" text
	"Reporter company" text
	"Reporter email" text
	"Reporter first name" text
	"Reporter last name" text
	"Reporter title" text
	"Source" text

Table custom.invoice {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"subscription ID" text
	"can_cancel_now" boolean
	"user email" text
	"description" text
	"Tax" number
	"Amount" number
	"appname" text
	"Disputed" boolean
	"Overage Item" ovearge_item [ref: - custom.ovearge_item._id]
	"Ending balance" number
	"total" number
	"charge id" text
	"URL" text
	"Tax ID Type" text
	"statement" text
	"Card last digit" text
	"user" user
	"invoice id" text
	"PDF File" file
	"Currency" text
	"Business address" text
	"Number" text
	"Sub total" number
	"detail" text
	"Type" option.invoice_type
	"Tax ID" text
	"Workload Credits" wc [ref: < custom.wc._id]
	"month year" text
	"Refunded amount" number
	"Invoice items" InvoiceItem [ref: < api.stripe.InvoiceItem]
	"first for this subscription" boolean
	"Starting balance" number
	"Discount" Coupon [ref: - api.stripe.Coupon]
	"Refunded" boolean
	"trial?" boolean

Table custom.user_research_opt_in {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"beta_testing" boolean
	"id" text
	"rapid_research" boolean
	"unmoderated_testing" boolean
	"user email" text
	"user_interviews" boolean
	"User Research Types" option.user_research_type
	"User" user

Table custom.negotiatedprice {
	_id text [pk, unique]

Table custom.can_i_build_category {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Features" can_i_build_feature [ref: < custom.can_i_build_feature._id]
	"Icon" text
	"Long Description" text
	"Lowercase Name" text
	"Name" text
	"Order" number
	"Popular Apps" text

Table custom.perk_program_parent {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Active?" boolean
	"Location" geographic_address
	"Logo" image
	"Name" text
	"Public?" boolean
	"Usage" number
	"Website" text

Table custom.contributor_payout {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Bootcamp items" bootcamp_ticket [ref: < custom.bootcamp_ticket._id]
	"Business address" text
	"Business name" text
	"Coaching items" coaching_session [ref: < custom.coaching_session._id]
	"Month year" text
	"Number" text
	"Payout ID" text
	"PayPal?" boolean
	"PDF Receipt" file
	"Plugin Items" plugin_subscription_item [ref: < custom.plugin_subscription_item._id]
	"Template Items" template_commission_item [ref: < custom.template_commission_item._id]
	"Total" number
	"type" text
	"User" user

Table custom.plugin_rating {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Detail" text
	"hard_coded_plugin_id" text
	"Number" number
	"Plugin" plugins [ref: - custom.plugins._id]
	"Review" text
	"show_email" boolean
	"version" text

Table custom.showcased_app {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Short description" text
	"Article text" text
	"zBubble URL" text
	"Card image" image
	"CTA button text" text
	"CTA description" text
	"CTA image" image
	"CTA title" text
	"Featured Tags" showcase_tag [ref: < custom.showcase_tag._id]
	"Hidden?" boolean
	"Logo" image
	"Title" text
	"Read length (minutes)" number
	"Main image" image
	"Stat 1 number" text
	"Stat 1 title" text
	"Stat 2 number" text
	"Stat 2 title" text
	"Stat 3 number" text
	"Stat 3 title" text
	"zTestimonial" text
	"Featured?" boolean
	"CTA URL" text
	"zUser bio" text
	"zUser name" text
	"zUser title" text

Table custom.wc {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Appname" text
	"Credits used" number
	"Front ID" text
	"Granted by" text
	"Granted Workload Units" number
	"Month" number
	"Note" text
	"Reason" text
	"Recipient" user
	"Year" number

Table custom.rfp_agency_suggestion {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Agency" organization [ref: - custom.organization._id]
	"Budget" number
	"Developer preference" number
	"Language" number
	"Location" number
	"Processed?" boolean
	"Project size" number
	"Project type" number
	"removed?" boolean
	"RFP" rfp [ref: - custom.rfp._id]
	"Services not offered" option.rfp_services
	"Services offered" option.rfp_services
	"Set" text
	"Total Score" number
	"User" user

Table custom.course {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"zAcademy Series" text
	"Course Image" image
	"Description" text
	"Name" text
	"public?" boolean
	"Sort Order" number
	"Video Academy Series" option.video_academy_series
	"Video count" number

Table custom.credit_transaction {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Delta" number
	"Ending balance" number
	"Source" text
	"Starting balance" number
	"Stripe invoice_id" text
	"User" user

Table custom.investor {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Investor background" text
	"Investor name" text
	"Investor photo" image
	"Rank" number

Table custom.forum_stat_data {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Community caption" text
	"forum posts" number
	"Monthly page views" number
	"MRR" number
	"Paying customers" number
	"Total users" number

Table custom.industry {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Industry Name" text
	"Name (SEO)" text

Table custom.documentation_link {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Key" text
	"URL" text

Table custom.article {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Bug Report Types" option.support_bug_report_type
	"Click count" number
	"Content" text
	"Custom lists" text
	"Depreciated" boolean
	"Prioritize" boolean
	"Rank" number
	"Title" text
	"Topic" option.support_articles_topics
	"Video" text

Table custom.template_rating {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Detail" text
	"Number" number
	"Review" text
	"show_email" boolean
	"Template" template [ref: - custom.template._id]

Table custom.user_research_participant {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Research Program" research_program [ref: - custom.research_program._id]
	"Research Program name" text
	"User email" text
	"User" user

Table custom.plugins {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"blocked" boolean
	"Hidden" boolean
	"Owner" user
	"Licence" text
	"Last version" text
	"categories" text
	"Number of Submits" number
	"Description" text
	"last_git_commit" text
	"git_repo_default_branch_name" text
	"is_node14" boolean
	"one_time_price" number
	"first publish date" date
	"types" text
	"all versions rating" number
	"test appname" text
	"usage count" number
	"authorized_apps" text
	"pv" number
	"Deleted" boolean
	"git_repo" text
	"Price" number
	"private_data" text
	"Marketplace enabled?" boolean
	"last version rating" number
	"Data tracked description" text
	"Image" image
	"Show as integration" boolean
	"modfied_after_git_commit" boolean
	"Hidden for marketing" boolean
	"Version history" text
	"Data tracked?" boolean
	"Published open source" boolean
	"Versions" text
	"Featured?" boolean
	"Other owners" user
	"git_repo_owner" text
	"Deprecated versions" text
	"Demo page" text
	"payment_type" text
	"Official badge" boolean
	"Instructions" text
	"link" text
	"Name" text
	"Data tracked (text)" text
	"forked_parent" plugins [ref: - custom.plugins._id]
	"mp Profile Processed?" boolean
	"pending version" text
	"git_repo_url" text
	"version" number
	"hardcoded?" boolean
	"Published Commercial" boolean

Table custom.debug___delete {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Text 13" text
	"Date 2" date
	"Text 7" text
	"Date 1" date
	"Number 1" number
	"Text 16" text
	"Text 6" text
	"Text 12" text
	"End Sub Scheduled?" boolean
	"Number 2" number
	"Text 8" text
	"Text 5" text
	"Text 11" text
	"Boolean 1" boolean
	"Text 9" text
	"Text 15" text
	"Meta Release" option.meta_release
	"Text 14" text
	"Text 3" text
	"Text 2" text
	"Processed?" boolean
	"User 1" user
	"Text 1" text
	"Text 17" text
	"Text 10" text
	"Text 4" text

Table custom.streak_data {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Broken?" boolean
	"Completed?" boolean
	"Notifications seen" text
	"Streak dates" date
	"Last notified" date
	"Opted out?" boolean
	"Score" number
	"Start date" date
	"User" user

Table custom.rfp {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Company Name" text
	"RFP Project Type" option.rfp_project_type
	"Description" text
	"Outcome Explanation" text
	"Direct mode agency" organization [ref: - custom.organization._id]
	"zOrganizations matched" organization [ref: < custom.organization._id]
	"Timeline" text
	"Budget (min)" number
	"First name" text
	"Preferred language" text
	"Company Size" text
	"zOrganizations matched count" number
	"Responses Count" number
	"Title" text
	"Existing project link" text
	"Reference ID" text
	"Design files" file
	"Closed?" boolean
	"zCountries" text
	"Match start time" date
	"Submitted date" date
	"zCompany" text
	"Outcome" text
	"Agency size preference" option.rfp_agency_sizes
	"RFP Budget Type" option.rfp_budget_type
	"Owner User" user
	"Scored?" boolean
	"Figma link" text
	"Budget (max)" number
	"Selected Agencies" organization [ref: < custom.organization._id]
	"All Agency Suggestions" rfp_agency_suggestion [ref: < custom.rfp_agency_suggestion._id]
	"Direct mode?" boolean
	"Industry" text
	"Spam score" number
	"Last name" text
	"Deadline" date
	"Selected Agency Suggestions" rfp_agency_suggestion [ref: < custom.rfp_agency_suggestion._id]
	"Outcome Agency ↩" organization [ref: - custom.organization._id]
	"Location" geographic_address
	"Email" text
	"Budget (OS)" option.rfp_budget_ranges
	"RFP Scope Size" option.rfp_scope_size
	"Generating matches?" boolean
	"Additional files" file
	"Match end time" date
	"Submitted?" boolean
	"LinkedIn Profile" text
	"RFP Services" option.rfp_services

Table custom.bootcamp_ticket {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Affiliate fee" number
	"Amount" number
	"Bootcamp" bootcamp [ref: - custom.bootcamp._id]
	"Bootcamp Sessions Attended" bootcamp_session [ref: < custom.bootcamp_session._id]
	"Charge ID" text
	"Count towards seats" boolean
	"Email" text
	"Affiliate paid" boolean
	"Affiliate Partner code" text
	"Affiliate Partner" user
	"Refunded" boolean
	"User" user
	"utm_campaign" text
	"utm_medium" text
	"utm_source" text

Table custom.app_user_tag {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Appname" text
	"Tags" text

Table custom.user_toolkit {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Collapse?" boolean
	"GPT Confidence" number
	"Prompt" text
	"Raw GPT Response" text
	"Solution" solution [ref: - custom.solution._id]
	"GPT Category" text
	"Valid?" boolean

Table custom.certification_advisor {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Image" image
	"Link" text
	"Name" text
	"Order" number
	"Title" text

Table custom.bubblecon_rsvp {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Email" text
	"Logged in?" boolean
	"Name" text
	"Preference" text
	"User ID" text
	"User" user

Table custom.perk_application {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Address" geographic_address
	"Approved" boolean
	"Business description" text
	"Company name" text
	"Company URL" text
	"Developer types" text
	"Email" text
	"First name" text
	"Funding to date" text
	"Industry" text
	"Last name" text
	"LinkedIn profile" text
	"Perk program" perk_program [ref: - custom.perk_program._id]
	"Plan to use Bubble" text
	"Profile type" text
	"Program code" text
	"Program name" text
	"Title" text
	"University" text

Table custom.failed_card_churn {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"appname" text
	"MRR" number
	"subscription_id" text
	"TEMP - workflow ran in error?" boolean
	"Total charges" number
	"User" user

Table custom.feature_index_text {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Categories" text
	"Content" text
	"Title" text

Table custom.bootcamp_session {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"attendees" bootcamp_ticket [ref: < custom.bootcamp_ticket._id]
	"bootcamp" bootcamp [ref: - custom.bootcamp._id]
	"date" date
	"duration" number
	"Followup sent" boolean
	"homework_file" file
	"homework_link" text
	"ical sequence" number
	"ical uuid" text
	"instructor_notes" text
	"instructor" user
	"recording_file" file
	"slides_file" file
	"slides_link" text
	"zusers" user

Table custom.agency_project {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Agency App Category" option.template_category0
	"Description" text
	"Link URL" text
	"Main photo" image
	"Agency" organization [ref: - custom.organization._id]
	"Secondary photo" image
	"Stat 1 description" text
	"Stat 1" text
	"Stat 2 description" text
	"Stat 2" text
	"Stat 3 description" text
	"Stat 3" text
	"Tertiary photo" image
	"Title" text

Table custom.marketplace_profile {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Email" text
	"Image" image
	"Location" geographic_address
	"Marketplace enabled?" boolean
	"Owner" user
	"Seller name" text
	"Short description" text
	"Website" text

Table custom.translator_data_type {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Description" text
	"Fields" text
	"Name" text
	"↪ Build guide" translator_feature [ref: - custom.translator_feature._id]
	"↪ Build guide idea" translator_idea [ref: - custom.translator_idea._id]

Table custom.onboarding_lessons {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Description" text
	"Interactive embed" text
	"Length" number
	"Order" number
	"Title" text
	"Video" file
	"Video thumbnail" image

Table custom.solution {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Color HEX" text
	"Description" text
	"Element name" text
	"Field name" text
	"Template bg image" image
	"Integrations" integration [ref: < custom.integration._id]
	"Menu name" text
	"Name" text
	"Order" number
	"Recommended videos" video [ref: <]
	"Showcase" showcased_app [ref: - custom.showcased_app._id]
	"Similar app logos" image
	"Solution Features" solution_feature [ref: < custom.solution_feature._id]
	"Support articles" article [ref: < custom.article._id]
	"Templates" template [ref: < custom.template._id]
	"Template Category" text
	"Thing name" text
	"Total video length" text
	"Workflow name" text

Table custom.immerse_mentor {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Company" text
	"Current mentor?" boolean
	"Image" image
	"Name" text
	"Order" number
	"Past mentor?" boolean
	"Position" text
	"URL" text

Table custom.ovearge_item {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Non-monthly plan?" boolean
	"Appname" text
	"zDB things count" number
	"zDB things invoice item id" text
	"zDB things overage chunks incurred" number
	"zDB things overage chunk size" number
	"zDB things overage chunk price" number
	"zDB things overage total price" number
	"zDB things threshold" number
	"zDB things waived?" boolean
	"zDB things waived date" date
	"Month end plan" text
	"Month number" number
	"Month year text" text
	"zMUDV count" number
	"zMUDV invoice item ID" text
	"zMUDV overage chunks incurred" number
	"zMUDV overage chunk size" number
	"zMUDV overage chunk price" number
	"zMUDV overage total price" number
	"zMUDV threshold" number
	"zMUDV waived?" boolean
	"zMUDV waived date" date
	"Paid?" boolean
	"Workload credits" wc [ref: < custom.wc._id]
	"Workload invoice item id" text
	"Workload overage rate" number
	"Workload overage total price" number
	"Workload threshold" number
	"Workload used" number
	"zWorkload waived?" boolean
	"Year number" number

Table custom.stat_datapoint_public {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Total users" number

Table custom.deleted_users {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"old id" text

Table custom.certification_signup {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"email" text
	"Logged in?" boolean
	"User ID" text
	"User" user

Table custom.translator_idea {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"App ID" text
	"Category" text
	"↪ Data types" translator_data_type [ref: < custom.translator_data_type._id]
	"↪ Build guides" translator_feature [ref: < custom.translator_feature._id]
	"Generated?" boolean
	"Model" option.openai_model
	"Name" text
	"Tokens - Output" number
	"Tokens - Input" number
	"Tokens - Cost" number
	"User prompt" text

Table custom.translator_feature {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"↪ Data types" translator_data_type [ref: < custom.translator_data_type._id]
	"Description" text
	"Difficulty level" number
	"Feedback" text
	"Generated?" boolean
	"Generation started?" boolean
	"Name" text
	"Plugin required?" boolean
	"Plugin suggestions" text
	"↪ Steps" translator_step [ref: < custom.translator_step._id]
	"Tokens - Output" number
	"Tokens - Input" number
	"Tokens - Cost" number
	"↪ Build guide idea" translator_idea [ref: - custom.translator_idea._id]

Table custom.all_plans_cancellation {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Appname" text
	"MRR loss" number
	"Original plan" text
	"Reason bucketed" text
	"Reason" text
	"subscription_id" text
	"Type" text
	"User" user
	"Willing to chat" boolean

Table custom.video_resource {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"File" file
	"File type" text
	"File name" text
	"Order" number
	"Published?" boolean
	"Template" template [ref: - custom.template._id]
	"Video" video [ref: -]

Table custom.aibot_logs {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Action" text
	"Amount_of_credit_or_refund" number
	"App ID" text
	"Bad_actor" boolean
	"can_cancel_now" boolean
	"canceled" boolean
	"canceled_within_timeframe" boolean
	"Chat ID" text
	"Coupon ID" text
	"No_credit_before" boolean
	"Disputed" boolean
	"Ideaboard submission" text
	"Invoice_UID" text
	"Invoice_time_eligible" boolean
	"Line_item_eligible" boolean
	"Plan_name" text
	"No_previous_refunds" boolean
	"Product Outreach" boolean
	"Reason Dropdown" text
	"Is_invoice_refund_eligible" boolean
	"Refund_ID" text
	"Starter_plan_amount" boolean
	"Subscription ID" text
	"Success" boolean
	"User Feedback" text
	"User" user

Table custom.integration {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Blog post" text
	"External URL" text
	"HTML Embed" text
	"Square logo" image
	"Inactive?" boolean
	"Name" text
	"paragraph" text
	"Screenshot" image
	"Social cover" image
	"subheader" text
	"Tagline" text
	"Thru Partner" text
	"User manual" text
	"Wide logo" image

Table custom.growth_channel {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Name" text

Table custom.plugin_subscription_payout {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Amount" number
	"Contributor Payout" contributor_payout [ref: - custom.contributor_payout._id]
	"Items" plugin_subscription_item [ref: < custom.plugin_subscription_item._id]
	"Month" text
	"Payment ID" text
	"Seller" user
	"Transfer ID" text

Table custom.feature {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"caption" text
	"code" text

Table custom.referral_links {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Channel" growth_channel [ref: - custom.growth_channel._id]
	"CTA Header" text
	"CTA Text" text
	"only for new users" boolean
	"coupon" text
	"stripe coupon ID" text

Table custom.immerse_partnership_submission {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Budget range" text
	"Company" text
	"Email" text
	"Message" text
	"Name" text
	"Partnership types" text
	"Title" text

Table custom.draft_application_metadata {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"App Created?" boolean
	"AppID" text
	"Build guide idea" translator_idea [ref: - custom.translator_idea._id]
	"Caption" text
	"First App?" boolean
	"Processing?" boolean
	"Template" template [ref: - custom.template._id]
	"Trial Length" number
	"Trial Offer Choice" text
	"Trial Source" text

Table custom.custom_link {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Link URL" text
	"Title" text
	"Type" text

Table custom.how_to_build_post {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"banner image" image
	"categories" option.app_category
	"description" text
	"Rank" number
	"searchable HTML content" text
	"title" text
	"url" text

Table custom.interested_in_bootcamp {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Bootcamp" bootcamp [ref: - custom.bootcamp._id]
	"Bootcamp type NEW" course1 [ref: - custom.course1._id]
	"Bootcamp type OLD" option.bootcamp_type
	"Email" text

Table custom.organization {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"(AGE) Search hash (locations)" text
	"(AGE) Projects" agency_project [ref: < custom.agency_project._id]
	"(AGE) Services" option.rfp_services
	"(AGE) Hidden" boolean
	"(AGE) Search hash" text
	"(ORG) Subscription ID" text
	"(AGE) Primary services" option.rfp_services
	"(AGE) RFP Project Types" option.rfp_project_type
	"(AGE) Description long" text
	"(AGE) Languages" text
	"(AGE) RFP Users" user
	"(AGE) Booking Link" text
	"(ORG) Members" user
	"(AGE) Agency Tier" option.agency_tier
	"(AGE) Starting rate types" option.rfp_budget_type
	"(AGE) Process video" file
	"(AGE) Logo" image
	"(AGE) Starting price (Hourly)" number
	"(AGE) RFP min fixed fee" number
	"(AGE) Agreed to terms date" date
	"(AGE) Converted apps" text
	"z(AGE) Profile active?" boolean
	"(AGE) Developers" user
	"(AGE) List of locations (geo)" geographic_address
	"(AGE) Description short" text
	"(AGE) Agreed to terms User" user
	"(AGE) Starting price (project)" number
	"(AGE) RFP Budget Types" option.rfp_budget_type
	"(ORG) Type" text
	"(ENT) Authorized emails" text
	"(AGE) Agency tier number" number
	"(AGE) Admin Users" user
	"(ENT) Seat limit" number
	"(ORG) Owner" user
	"(AGE) Emails" text
	"(AGE) Members (previous)" user
	"(AGE) Created date (public)" date
	"(AGE) Number converted apps" number
	"(AGE) RFP min hourly fee" number
	"(AGE) Process video thumbnail" image
	"(ENT) SSO enabled?" boolean
	"(ORG) Name" text
	"(AGE) Public contact email" text
	"(AGE) Stripe plan" text
	"(AGE) List of locations (text)" text
	"(AGE) Receive RFP" boolean
	"(AGE) Cover image" image
	"(AGE) Process video title" text
	"(AGE) Member size" number
	"(AGE) Profile links" custom_link [ref: < custom.custom_link._id]
	"(ORG) Type (OS)" option.organization_types
	"(ENT) WorkOS ID" text
	"(AGE) RFP Scope Sizes" option.rfp_scope_size
	"(AGE) Agency Status" option.agency_status
	"(AGE) Website" text
	"(ORG) Paying User" user
	"(AGE) Process image" image
	"(AGE) Review embed ID" text

Table {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Academy Course" course [ref: - custom.course._id]
	"Audio download" file
	"Description" text
	"Featured?" boolean
	"Files" video_resource [ref: < custom.video_resource._id]
	"Length" text
	"Number" number
	"Page description" text
	"Published?" boolean
	"Rich content" text
	"Templates" video_resource [ref: < custom.video_resource._id]
	"Thumbnail" image
	"Title" text
	"Transcript download" file
	"Video Academy Series" option.video_academy_series
	"Video Categories" option.video_tag
	"Youtube ID" text

Table api.stripe {
	_id text [pk, unique]
	"Coupon" text
	"InvoiceItem" text